Brian Edenfield
Available for freelance
Photoshop, 3DS Max 7, Maya 7, Flash, Torque Game Engine
Sketching, Illustration, Concept Design, Animation, 3D Modeling and Sculpture
Beeline Studios
Evil Twin/Doppelganger
Electronic Arts
A.S.K. Learning
Tektonic Studios
SCEA, Inc.
Spunky Productions
Pixel Technologies
Juggernaut Studios
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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Don Trachte, Sr. pulled the RockWool over our eyes.

What an interesting story:

The painting "Breaking Home Ties" traveled the world, was shown in many galleries and examined by art experts far and wide. Controversy and criticism followed it everywhere.

It is only recently that a fascinating element to its history has been brought to light. He not only fooled the world, but his own wife as well. But it is just the cynic in me who believes he intentionly misled his wife during their divorce.

Way to twist the palette knife, Don!! Ha ha. (just kidding)

There IS flattery found in imitation.


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