Sketchbots: 1.5 - 2 hours
Don't ask me what that bottom one is......cause I don't know.

Okay I was all set to leave here at about 10 PM. But I just started sketching this and I wanted to finish it. Don't ask me what possessed me to create something in these nuclear colors. I've never had a real good understanding of color theory. This probably shows that I don't.
The careers of all the personnel involved - all the way up the chain of command - should be over. Dishonorable discharges for the lot of 'em. This was not the work "of a few bad apples".
Aside from that whole child birthing thing, which I imagine is something akin to passing a kidney asteroid through your urinary tract, I can't imagine how tough it would be to.............
There's a french girl working at a pub near my studio. Hee hee, she's cute.
Gymkata 2: Electric Boogaloo. LOL. Guy's fucking amazing. Could have come up with a better soundtrack, though.
So I guess if you can't beat the competition, buy them out!
I remember listening live a few years ago and getting such a charge out of it. As I was walking by Japantown today, I heard the distinctive sound of Taiko drumming in Peace Plaza under the "white pagoda". It's a very martial sound. You can imagine what Japanese warriors felt as they streamed across an open field while the Taiko drummers called them to battle.
I worked with Jules Marino, the Animation Director of Storytime, while employed with Spunky Productions.
I had a funny exchange with my studio mate this morning. It involved the story in the classic Star Trek episode "Arena"- one of my fave episodes of ST:TOS. Actually, I can't remember the reasons why that thread of conversation started so I'll just go into the other part of the story. Some how we got on the subject of the gas crisis of 1973.
Sexy Robot getting money out of the ATM. Because even sexy robots need beer money.
Took a previous sketch I did and turned it into a robot. A strange robot at that.
Going for more graphic. Less value, stronger holding lines to communicate the same information. Eh.
It was a beautiful day and I thought I would enjoy it. So I took my time and stopped in a few stores. I stopped by the Toys R Us just before it opened. There was a crowd of maybe thirty people lined up to get in.
I'm not a big fan of any organized religion. In fact, I don't believe in God. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool atheist. So this is just a superficial acknowledgement of *some* of the great (well I think they're great :) things this pope has done.