Sketch: 90 minutes.

It has died a pitiful death. It's irrelevance has been solidified. In other words, it has "jumped the shark" - a term that in and of itself has "jumped the shark".
Everytime I sit down to do another nude, a robot comes streaming out. Took a couple of hours. The centaur has been a prevailing theme in sketches throughout my life.
I have no idea what this family is going thru. I've never had to experience something like this in my life. I hope I never do. It's amazing the turn of events that have developed around this case.
An attempt at drawing the body in different angles. Also tried sharpening the lines and giving the body a more graphic shape. I think I failed in that respect.
Why oh why did I skip the GDC?!? This panel alone would have been worth it!
When your potential co-workers don't want you before you even start, that's gotta say something.
I don't care what side of the fence you're on, listen to her and know what a true statesperson is.
Not a fan of weblogs I see. Though according to chapter 6 entitled "Acceptable Uses of Weblogs", I have an acceptable weblog.
and went and I missed it completely. That's okay, though. I'm not ready to "take the game industry by storm" just yet. Heh. Isn't that what every blowhard with a head of steam says?! :P
.....but here's a new female study. I've been drawing so many robots it took me awhile just to get back into the state of mind to draw nudes.
Morning Sedition is the coolest radio show on TV........erh.....I mean the radio. Howard Stern is ASS compared to Marc Maron and Mark Riley - Morning Sedition.
This is fucked up.
I've been doing a robot sketch a day during lunch and after work at my freelance gig. I haven't been posting them here because I can never remember my damn blogger password. I can remember everyone of my other passwords for all my other login shites, but I can't keep the blogger one in my head.
I haven't been sketching women recently. The ones that I have drawn aren't meeting the new standard I set for myself. I'm confident I've got the rendering of light and shadow down. Now I need to work on the "drawing". What I mean by that is I have to work on finding a more stylised approach to the studies.