"I will be swift and merciful"
I had a funny exchange with my studio mate this morning. It involved the story in the classic Star Trek episode "Arena"- one of my fave episodes of ST:TOS. Actually, I can't remember the reasons why that thread of conversation started so I'll just go into the other part of the story. Some how we got on the subject of the gas crisis of 1973.
In the seventies, my dad owned a gas/service station. The gas crisis wiped him out and he was forced to sell. I imagined how different my life would have been if he was able to keep the station. In this parallel universe that gas station - under my eventual leadership of course - became a chain of stations. This eventually evolved into the multinational oil conglomerate EdenCorp, which used it's considerable power and influence to make its CEO and Chairman - me - insanely rich at the expense of the unwashed masses and the environment.
It's good to have a healthy imagination. I could be that guy, though...........if it wasn't for this pesky conscience.
On preview, I guess you had to be there.
Sketch: 15-20 minutes. Not very interesting. I did it last night but considered not posting it. What the hell. Not everything is a frickin' masterpiece.

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