Sketch: A few hours each.
While hanging with a friend of mine at Wondercon today, he mentioned that sexiness is as much in the eyes as in the body language. I have to pay more attention to the faces in these sketches. I may go back and tweak the previous studies a little bit just to bring them in line with this new aesthetic. :)
He also clued me in to another fact of Wondercon. Since I am a professional in the entertainment industry I get a free pass to the show. All these years paying to get into the show and here all I had to do was fill out a form.

the girls are still looking manly. it might be the faces, or maybe you show too many muscles?
i'm not saying i can do any better, or that they are bad. i guess i just hope the women in your head are more jenna jameson like, and less jamie lee curtis ;)
Yes, it's what we women do. Stand around naked in heels. I always thought it was funny how men like us naked, but like us more heels.
The soul is in the eyes. If you can capture a soul through the eyes in your drawings, you've reached godliness.
Thanks Melissa,
Your opinion matters more than you think it does, regardless of whether "you can do any better" or not. You're a woman. Who more than a woman is an expert on the female anatomy?
I like good hard bodies, therefore I tend to let that preference color my drawings. I also like to draw men more because muscle is a stereotypically "masculine" thing and it's fun to draw.
These are my first attempts at capturing the female form without the use of a model. So that nature within me usually wins out. But I'm workin' on it! :)
And Julia, I had a gut feeling that women stood around naked in heels. I could just never prove it. Now with your input I will take this information to the males of the world and we will determine our next course of strategy based on this evidence. Thank you for your support of our cause. ;)
If I reach godliness does that mean I can smite people? There's a few people I've been itchin' to smite.
I tried posting a comment earlier but it wouldn't let me, I found my way here after reading your comment on Lohans' blog. I scrolled down through some of your drawings and they are excellent! As far as the critiques go, I think that you've got the physicality down pretty well. Being a muscular person myself- I see no problem with the musculature. They're a bit exaggerated in some senses but that's your interpretation. Though the figure on the right looks extraordinarily happy to be sitting naked on a ledge- seems she's a bit enthused to do so. And you know- that IS what women do- we get together and walk around naked in heels- duh. I can't think of ANYTHING more fun...
Also, of COURSE you can smite people once you reach godliness. But I won't tell if you smite a few before you reach it, they probably deserve it. ;)
Dude, please god tell me these dope drawings are based on live models. Please please tell me that. And please also tell me that you've been having incredible, artistic sex with this/these models. Do it for me man. IF YOU AREN'T HAVING SEX WITH THIS WOMAN I WILL KILL MYSELF.
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