Weekend of Champions..........of dull.
This past weekend, I took a break from my usual workaholism and tried my hand at some drunkoholism. Friday night, I joined some friends for drinks at a bar in the mission after a life drawing workshop at The Mission Cultural Center. Let me state first that I am no drinker. I don't drink because, for the most part, I don't like to partake in things that dull the senses. There's enough about me that's dull, as evidenced by my last post. I don't need to add to that.
It was my friend Anselm's birthday, so I figured that was good enough reason to get plastered. Anyway, I started out with an Anchor Steam and I nursed it pretty well. About an hour later (that's right an hour later), I grabbed a second one. That one seemed to disappear pretty quickly. The third came along and somehow disappeared in the same manner. Usually around this time in my admittedly few drinking escapades, I order a round of Jagermeister for the table. It's one of the few liqours I have a real fondness for. Most of the time, only one or two people will join me.
This time Anselm and Eric joined me for a shot. I downed it before the glass hit my lips. Anselm took one sip of his and all the memories from a previous jager trip he had taken came flooding back. I happily obliged finishing it off for him. By the fourth Anchor Steam, I couldn't feel my face. Seriously, I couldn't feel it. I tried, but no dice. Probably had something to do with the fact that I couldn't raise my arms any longer. So that's all it takes to knock me on my ass: Four beers and 2 Jagers. Yeah, I'm a lightweight. I'm sure I made a fool of myself and some point.
When I got home, my roommate suggested I take an aspirin to counter the effects of the alcohol or something. I don't quite know what he said. He has a lot of theories. Most of the time they're just stream of consciousness ramblings. I tend to take his suggestions in the spirit they're given and ridicule him mercilessly. He said something profoundly off the wall and thrust an aspirin in my face. Not looking forward to my morning - another reason I don't drink - I took the aspirin and downed it like a champ. It went down smooth as a baby's bottom, that aspirin.
The next morning I woke up at 7:00 AM chipper as a jaybird with nary a headache to be seen or felt. Taking heed to his suggestion the previous night, I downed another aspirin that morning just to head off at the pass any headache I might get. And what do you know, I never felt any ill effects the rest of the day. One of his theories actually worked. I will remember that one for next time.
The rest of the day was spent - what else? - working on some art.
And on Sunday........wait for it.............I actually ran. Woo hoo. I ran all the way to the marina and worked out down there. Then came back. It's only six miles or something but I feel like myself again. I still have a hacking cough, but it didn't seem to affect me in any way as I was running. And I didn't cough up lung, so it's all good.
The rest of Sunday was spent - what else? - back to workaholism.
Sketch: About an hour each. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought up that woman in the lower right hand corner. The top one is my attempt at doing a body type other that "perfect". Whatever that means.

those are my legs but my breasts sure don't look like perfect baby bottles...
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