ShrubCo will yet again get away with a criminal act.
Something like this happens and the noise isn't about the White House's illegal use of public funds, it's about the fact that some blogger used some very nasty and inciteful commentary in describing Armstrong's actions.
The Rightwing Noise Machine gets to change the subject and the ignorant conservodroid bloggers will just eat it up and completely ignore the WH's complicity. These people believe the admin can do no wrong and liberals hate america and the noise machine gives them what they want. And where is the "liberal media"? Oh, their collective head is in the sand.
Armstrong is guilty. The White House is guilty. And Steve Gilliard is guilty.......for providing the Noise Machine with grist for the mill. And Democrats will always play defense against the Republicans.
I'm disgusted with the whole lot of 'em.
Sketch: 75 to 90 minutes. Hey, I'm disgusted for the time it takes to read the above stories. That doesn't mean I can't let it go and draw some naked chicks!

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