Brian Edenfield
Available for freelance
Photoshop, 3DS Max 7, Maya 7, Flash, Torque Game Engine
Sketching, Illustration, Concept Design, Animation, 3D Modeling and Sculpture
Beeline Studios
Evil Twin/Doppelganger
Electronic Arts
A.S.K. Learning
Tektonic Studios
SCEA, Inc.
Spunky Productions
Pixel Technologies
Juggernaut Studios
Jellyman Productions
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Reason enough to fear a christian AGENDA.

Stories like this make me wish there WAS - because regardless of what the fundies blather on about there ISN'T - a concerted effort to marginalize, regulate, or eradicate the christian faith. Suing because they believe they're being discriminated against for their discriminatory practices. It boggles the mind.

You know, I don't really care if they want to form an "exclusive" club at their university. As long as they don't get public funding or are subsidised in any way by the university system, I don't give a fuck what these anti-christian christians do.


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