Is a union out of the realm of possibility?
No fun and games - Stories like this are disturbing. I've heard this about EA from friends who've worked there. I would definitely love to start something that works outside of this publisher system. This is just not right. Valve may be on the right track. Steam seems to be their ticket to self publishing autonomy. Not that Sierra has that much control over how Valve develops games.
But the game industry has been this way for awhile. Well, ever since EA scarfed up every independent game studio out there. This machine continues to steam roll along though because there's always some young hungry kid willing to kill himself to be a part of it.
I'm not so familiar with creative unions, but I assume those outside the hollywood movie system don't have much power or say in how things are done. I know the animation industry has a union. Alot of good it does though. Hollywood's already figured out how to get animation produced much cheaper in asia and india with only pre production creative work done here. They've been doing it for thirty years.
Maybe game industry unions - those for creatives and for programmers would be the way to go. Stories like above shouldn't become the norm. The sacrifice of many to benefit the few can't be sustained indefinitely.
EA spouse/ - Over 3000 comments on this weblog. Nutty.
Sketch: 3 hours. This was the final version of the soldier in one of my short films, but I am going to redesign him a bit.

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