Little late, but I have an excuse.
So a majority of American voters have decided that Bush should get another four years. On Tuesday night, my emotions ran the gamut. Confused, then sad, then angry. I could not believe what I was seeing. But I have resigned myself to the circumstances. Regardless of all the talk of Diebold, voting machines, and the like, I will hold my tongue until - if ever - the facts are in.
My only hope in all this is that the politicians, mostly Democrats, who are supposed to be representing the UNPRECEDENTED number of voters who turned out to bring real change to our country will finally grow fucking backbones and start questioning our administration and it's dangerous and completely, mind-numbingly abominable policies.
We need to have real transparency in our government, sound foreign policy, more diplomacy and intelligent action. If Bush and company continues to keep secrets and edit official documents, clear thinking individuals on boths sides of the House and Senate need to come forward and demand that it STOPS now! I don't want this to be the future of America. Representatives like Tom Delay need to be more than just censured for their fraudulent misconduct. They need to be brought to justice. They need to know that liberals, Democrats and left leaning people aren't "irrelevant" and will not be marginalized!
I will support real change in the policy toward Iraq. As long as we bring real justice and peace to the Iraqi people, as long as we leave that country in better shape than when we TOOK it, I will support the president. If he continues to lie to us, keep secrets from us, continue to ignore the reasoned dissent of his people, I will call and hound my representatives every mother fucking godamned day untill they do something about it. If my Senator doesn't do her absolute damnedest to make sure OUR voices are heard, I will vote for someone who does, regardless of their "political" affiliation. This I promise to myself.
This is a call to arms. Democrat, Republican, whatever. Take your country back for the good of ALL! Don't accept everything at face value. Question why our government is doing what it's doing. I shudder to think of the consequences if we all stay divided, if we allow the extremists - of all stripes - in our own nation to dictate how the rest of us should live.
LEARN. REFLECT. ACT. REACT. - Know the facts
Sketch: 90 minutes. No reference.

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