Is the Euro the new Dollar?
You want a higher return on your investment? In the future, you might consider investing in companies and countries that use the euro as the standard. Seems like the dollar is on the wane. What, with the possibility that some OPEC nations might convert to using the euro as standard - and the fact that we're borrowing heavily to finance our "misadventures" -, investment of your hard earned, yet increasingly devalued dollars, into europe might be more financially sound for the "average" investor. Hey, it's a global economy right? Why shouldn't everyone benefit from such an open market?
Don't get me wrong. I love my country and I don't want to see it become a third world nation. That's why I voted for John Kerry. Maybe he wouldn't have done much different than Bush, but maybe he would have done some extraordinary things. We will never know because a majority of Americans voted to "stay the course" to utter ruination.
A Kerry presidency may have given the Iranians - the second largest oil exporter - pause in their idea of switching to the euro as their trade standard. Venezuela, as well. Oh you know about Venezuela right? The nation whose democratically elected admin we tried to overthrow? But with a Bush admin - the very admin that referred to Iran as part of an "axis of evil" - the Iranians have no reason to put any more trust in the dollar standard. Now, if this happens we may face the very real possibility that our admin will invade Iran - a possible nuclear nation - on the pretense of fighting terrorism. But it will most assuredly be about keeping them on a dollar standard.
I mean really if it was about fighting terrorism we would have had to invade Saudi Arabia, since most of the 9/11 hijackers were saudi. Oh wait a minute......we already have bases in Saudi and they already are trading on the dollar standard. Never mind.
I'm not saying this is the Republican's fault. It's everybody's fault. Anyone whose attention is diverted away from world matters by the new "must see" television lineup is guilty. Anyone who voted for Bush to "protect them from the terrorists" is guilty. Anyone who didn't take their duly elected representative to task for lacking the backbone to stand up to these fraudulent policies is guilty. I'M FUCKING GUILTY!
The question is: "what can we do about it now?" Well, you can do like I said at the beginning of this post. You can invest in Europe's future, as I am sure many "patriotic" and very rich americans are doing. You know, because they ain't re-investing all those taxes they didn't have to pay the last few years BACK into america. You think George Soros isn't "hedging" his bets? Keep dreaming. Or you can invest your time into making sure you're represented in this government. Make us accountable for our actions in the world. Make our representatives make us solvent again, so we don't face the very real possibility of our government declaring bankruptcy if other nations call us on our debts.
I know what I'm going to do. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. It's the way I have always lived my life. It hasn't failed me yet.
Sketch: 95 minutes. No reference.
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