Halo 2 is probably the reason why.
This is one reason why I feel guilty for the state of the world today - HALO 2 Baby! This game has as much hold over me as the 1.5 million others who are ready to storm the doors of EB Games, Toys R Us, and whatever else to grab their digital crack. And how long will the high last? Until the last of the Covenant has been eliminated from the universe! It's sad that something like this takes precedence over the real difficulties we all face in the world. But it is hella fun.
That's why we do it I suppose. Everquest, City of Heroes, Far Cry, Doom 3, and all its ilk. They're just an escape to a place where we control the outcome. Regardless of how many times we have to start over, we still triumph over the dark forces arrayed against us. You can be sure I will be there slogging along with all the other master chiefs in the world.
I just can't shake the fact that our troops are dying in a shithole in a war of choice while I am enjoying a silly game. But who knows? Some units may have an xbox set up in a rec room some where. On their down time they could very well be playing xbox live. Of course any unit that has a rec room is no where near the action of Fallujah and the guys fighting there have more important things to worry about. But if there's a rear area where they rotate to to get rest and relax for a day or two, I'm sure there's a place set up with games and dvds and stuff. Send a copy of halo 2 to a soldier you know. It might bring just the right escape to his VERY difficult reality.
A real reason why Bush won over Kerry: appearance over substance. I give you exhibits A - Recluse wins seat and B - ghost wins seat
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