I didn't see the last debate tonight and haven't read the transcript, but according to the news I've read Kerry toasted Bush to a nice charcoal grey. Yet the "likely voters" are still evenly divided between the two. What does Kerry have to do to prove he can do a better job than Bush has done?
Iraq is America's problem. We broke it, we have to fix it. But I believe Kerry is going to persuade the UN and the Security Council to get behind the US and help us fix the mess. And Kerry's plan, with UN troops and international legitimacy, will work where Bush's - heh - plan failed. Secure the borders, quell the insurgency, bring order to the streets with FULLY-TRAINED iraqi police. It's all here: Kerry's Plan. He is the only man for the job. That is clear to see. My fervent hope is that a clear majority feel the same way.
Sketch: 65-90 minutes each. No reference.

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